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Who We Are

The mission of the NEGA Clergy Care Committee is “to support clergy in their work.”  The CCC seeks to accomplish that mission in three primary ways:

Resources & Recomendations

The CCC shares resources for clergy health through the presbytery e-newsletter and this webpage.  Many of the recommendations come from our own personal experiences, and others come from ministry leaders who have an interest in clergy health and well-being.

Prayer and Ordination Anniversary Recognition

We believe one of the most important ways we can care for clergy is by praying for them.  Members of the committee are committed to praying for every minister in NEGA presbytery and will make a concerted effort to do so during the month of their ordination anniversary.

Clergy Cohorts

In partnership with Macedonia Ministry, NEGA offers an intensive three-year clergy cohort experience.  CCC commits 80% of its annual budget to support these cohorts and also provides additional need-based financial assistance.

Resources & Recomendations

The mission of the NEGA Clergy Care Committee is “to support clergy in their work.”  The CCC seeks to accomplish that mission in three primary ways:

The CHC website is a treasure trove for local clergy who want to serve God and God’s people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.  Check out the website for coaching services, resource suggestions, and blog articles.

The Reverend Dr. Ryan Baer (FPC-Athens) recommends this conference and says it has “excellent workshops and plenaries for pastors, treasurers, stewardship committees, or anyone interested in thinking more deeply and practically about how mission gets funded in the 21st century.”

From DePree Center at Fuller Seminary – a daily email devotion for leaders delivered to your inbox each morning

Board of Pensions Resources and Benefits

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through the Board of Pensions is a confidential resource that is provided at no cost to employees enrolled in medical coverage. The EAP offers access to in-person and online counseling; financial, tax, and legal assistance; resources for child and senior care; and more.


 If you are interested in using the EAP benefits, simply call the number on the back of your BOP medical insurance card and ask about how to get started with the Employee Assistance Program.

Well-Being Respite is a unique online opportunity to step away from your daily routine and come to the well for spiritual renewal, mental stimulation, thoughtful conversation, and meaningful engagement with colleagues in life and ministry as you contemplate God's movement in our individual and collective experiences.

Book Recommendations

Between the Dark and the Daylight: Embracing the Contradictions of Life by Joan Chittister – This book is recommended by Clergy Care member Christin Johnson Norman as a resource that is helping her live into the paradoxes of ministry and life.


Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality: Making Space for God by Tom Stead – Recommended by Clergy Care member Barbara Rodgers, this book is both “interesting and useful” especially for those of us who need help “getting out of our heads.”

Susan Beaumont is a consultant, coach, and speaker, and her latest book is a great resource for clergy who find themselves in a liminal space.  If you’ve been wondering what you’re doing in ministry – especially during the pandemic – check out this book.

As part of the Transitional Ministry Education Consortium (PCUSA), TMWorkshops are for pastors who want to help their congregations think and act in more courageous and faithful ways.  The workshops are designed for clergy leading congregations through change, which is all of us – especially now.

Healthy Congregations provides training, consultation, and education around emotional process through the internet, a blog, the membership network, and a monthly leadership series that includes distance and on-site presentations and small group coaching.

The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center seeks to proclaim Christ’s good news, the gospel of peace and justice, and to be active in the sacred ministry of reconciliation whenever and wherever we can. We provide speakers and education resources for churches of all denominations on biblical peace and justice issues, as well as conflict transformation skills training and training for church leaders grounded in family systems theory. We also provide mediation and consultation services for churches, schools, and other organizations.


Clergy Care Committee members have found the LMPC’s Clergy Clinic offerings to be especially helpful and relevant. Check out their upcoming classes and events.


Get in Touch

If you’re interested in being part of an NEGA/Macedonia Ministry Clergy Cohort, please complete this form.  Depending on interest and numbers, clergy cohorts typically start in January.

Have you read a book recently that helped you in your ministry?  Attended a conference or stumbled upon a resource that has nurtured your faith as you serve God’s people?  We want to hear your resource suggestions, so we can share them with our NEGA clergy colleagues!

Book Suggestions

We want to feature you in the presbytery’s e-newsletter!  Be our next Clergy Spotlight by filling out the below form, and help us get to know each other across the presbytery.

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